VirtualBox is a virtualization tool which allows us to install and run different OS like windows and linux. I had tried installing ubuntu10.04 over ubuntu 10.04. To install it in Ubuntu (10.04 for now):
i. go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for Oracle VM VirtualBox, then click install.
ii. Goto -> Downloads and get the package that you need for your system (For e.g. ".deb" package for Ubuntu)
iii. Install virtualbox from commandline:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1
If writing the version number fails then trying without version number might work:
After installing the Virtualbox, we can install any Operating System over it. Installing a new OS is more or less similar to installing an OS in a new computer but you need to do some more before proceeding to install the new OS:
i. Open the VirtualBox window, then Press New button and create a new Virtual Machine.
ii. Specify the Name (e.g. ubu10.04)for it and select the OS Type (e.g. Linux )and version (e.g. Ubuntu)
iii. Next, set the memory and virtual hard disk for the new OS to use.
Installing Guest Additions is an imporatant part of VirtualBox:
i. Add the userName to virtualbox user group:
ii. Under the Devices menu in VirtualBox, you can select Install Guest Additions and follow the instructions
iii. Dont forget to install the guest utils in guest OS:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
iv. Enable folder sharing, clipboard sharing and Screen resizing feature:
I used this command sicne I had problem while mounting shared folder.
v. Create a folder for sharing between host OS and guest OS in the Guest:
mkdir /mnt/u10.04 # create a folder named u10.04
chmod 777 /mnt/u10.04 # make it accessible by all user
vi. Create a folder for sharing between host and guest Os in the Host:
mkdir /home/user/Desktop/u10.04
vii. Goto Devices -> shared Folders -> New and specify the folder path (browse the link to the Host folder created in step vi) and provide the folder name.
viii. Run the following command to mount the shared folder:
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 u10.04 /mnt/u10.04
Removing -o uid=1000,gid=1000 options from above command makes the mounted folder to be writeable only by the root. If there is problem in mounting, then sometimes changing vboxsf to vboxfs does the trick.
ix. If you wish to mount the shared folder during the boot, then run the following command in the command line:
sudo gedit /etc/rc.local
Now, copy the following command in the file and save it.
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 u10.04 /mnt/u10.04
Now, you may need to rebbot your guest OS for all the changes to make an effect.
i. go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for Oracle VM VirtualBox, then click install.
ii. Goto -> Downloads and get the package that you need for your system (For e.g. ".deb" package for Ubuntu)
iii. Install virtualbox from commandline:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1
If writing the version number fails then trying without version number might work:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
After installing the Virtualbox, we can install any Operating System over it. Installing a new OS is more or less similar to installing an OS in a new computer but you need to do some more before proceeding to install the new OS:
i. Open the VirtualBox window, then Press New button and create a new Virtual Machine.
ii. Specify the Name (e.g. ubu10.04)for it and select the OS Type (e.g. Linux )and version (e.g. Ubuntu)
iii. Next, set the memory and virtual hard disk for the new OS to use.
Installing Guest Additions is an imporatant part of VirtualBox:
i. Add the userName to virtualbox user group:
(in the host OS)
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers userName
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers userName
ii. Under the Devices menu in VirtualBox, you can select Install Guest Additions and follow the instructions
iii. Dont forget to install the guest utils in guest OS:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
iv. Enable folder sharing, clipboard sharing and Screen resizing feature:
(in the host OS)
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
I used this command sicne I had problem while mounting shared folder.
v. Create a folder for sharing between host OS and guest OS in the Guest:
mkdir /mnt/u10.04 # create a folder named u10.04
chmod 777 /mnt/u10.04 # make it accessible by all user
vi. Create a folder for sharing between host and guest Os in the Host:
mkdir /home/user/Desktop/u10.04
vii. Goto Devices -> shared Folders -> New and specify the folder path (browse the link to the Host folder created in step vi) and provide the folder name.
viii. Run the following command to mount the shared folder:
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 u10.04 /mnt/u10.04
Removing -o uid=1000,gid=1000 options from above command makes the mounted folder to be writeable only by the root. If there is problem in mounting, then sometimes changing vboxsf to vboxfs does the trick.
ix. If you wish to mount the shared folder during the boot, then run the following command in the command line:
sudo gedit /etc/rc.local
Now, copy the following command in the file and save it.
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 u10.04 /mnt/u10.04
Now, you may need to rebbot your guest OS for all the changes to make an effect.