Two machines running a server and a client running respectively can be connected securely via ssh.
1. Generate public/private rsa key pair:
2.Now use ssh to create a directory ~/.ssh as user (e.g. "tom") on server(e.g.
3.Copy key to remote server
After finishing these three steps, login to the remote server with ssh will not require password.
ssh user@serverIP
ssh tom@
Every time a user logs in to the server user have to provide password for getting into the server.Whereas passwordless authentication using the public key is considered more secure while loggin to a remote server. For that the following steps should be followed:1. Generate public/private rsa key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
When password is asked just hit a "ENTER" to leave it empty 2.Now use ssh to create a directory ~/.ssh as user (e.g. "tom") on server(e.g.
ssh tom@ -p .ssh
3.Copy key to remote server
cat .ssh/ | ssh tom@ 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
After finishing these three steps, login to the remote server with ssh will not require password.